ANZBA is an exciting, diverse Association that brings together burns clinicians so that the benefits of professional knowledge exchange can be realized in our continual striving to improve standards of care for burns patients. Our mission is to support those injured and burn care clinicians in care delivery, knowledge creation and dissemination, and advocacy
ANZBA is committed to building strong, supportive, multidisciplinary, bi-national networks through which burn clinicians can work together to benchmark practices, and collaborate on research, quality, educational and prevention initiatives on a bi-national level. ANZBA is also the body that acts on behalf of those injured, helping those in the medical community caring for the burn injured, interacting with the community in general and informing and advocating with key stakeholders groups.
Some of ANZBAs significant achievements include:
- The development of the Bi National Burn Registry in collaboration with Monash University
- A vibrant Annual Scientific Meeting
- The Emergency Management of Severe Burns course.
- The ANZBA Burns Rehabilitation course.
- The annual burn nursing seminar in collaboration with Smith + Nephew
- Numerous burn prevention initiatives
ANZBA has a number of major projects underway currently which will shape the way burn care is delivered across Australia and New Zealand
- The Burns Quality Improvement Program
- The development of an Australian / New Zealand Burn Unit Verification process.
- Development of clinical practice guidelines
- Workforce planning to support best practice
- Burn injury prevention activities
As a membership based organisation we are continually looking for the best means of engaging with our current members and reaching out to prospective members. We are mindful of understanding the needs of our members and using the advantages of new technology to build the broadest possible membership base amongst burns clinicians and other categories of membership.
We invite you to join us: M’ship form Jul 2023_June 2024_CURRENT
Francois Stapelberg
President (2024 – )