Henrietta Law was a Physiotherapist at The Alfred hospital in Melbourne, Victoria for 18 years between 1988 and 2006 after emigrating here from Hong Kong. Henrietta’s focus was the burn patients and she was passionate about rehabilitation following major burns.
Henrietta was privileged to be granted a Churchill Fellowship in 1995 to enable her to travel overseas to investigate integrated rehabilitation services to enhance patients’ potential and maximize quality of life following burn injury. Henrietta was a great contributor to robust discussion about best practice and improving practical interventions for burn patients and she was a strong advocate for burn patients.
Henrietta passed away in December 2006 after a brave battle with illness. She is sorely missed by her husband, Danny Yeung and numerous colleagues and friends. She will be always remembered for her bright red lipstick, spiky hair and friendly greeting of “G’day mate” along with a swag of nicknames she dished out to her closest colleagues .
It is with much pleasure that ANZBA accepts and provides a platform for an annual award in memory of Henrietta, sponsored by Danny Yeung. The award is for the best Allied Health Professional presentation at the ANZBA Annual Scientific Meeting which recognises outstanding contribution to burn patient rehabilitation and therapy.
The ANZBA family will always miss the sharp wit and robust discussion generated by Henrietta Law.